3 tips to promote your gym

May 9, 2022 | Gym marketing

Are you trying to promote your gym and need some fresh new ideas? This is something where you need to get creative and have good interactions with your potential audience. Interested in learning more and fine-tuning your promotion strategy? We explain how to do it.

Why promote your gym or box?

Why should you promote your gym? These are some of the advantages of these tactics:

 1. You will attract new customers

The most immediate benefit (provided you create a good campaign, of course). More people interested in the sport who know where you are and what your facilities have to offer will increase your membership list. Although it may be a lengthy process, it will come in time.

 2. It will help you become better known

This does not necessarily attract users straight away, at least not in the short term. But awareness and popularity will always help you to stay in the minds of your potential customers. As a result, at some point you will have a strong network of people who will want to join your gym.

 3. You will be able to establish your brand image

With advertising you not only offer a service, you also explain who you are. In this case your adverts or actions can help you to reinforce your brand image. Is your gym known for being affordable and fully-equipped? Do you offer a highly personalised and guided service? Whatever you do, give it value, so that you can be identified and related to it.

Key aspects of any advertising campaign

We will now give you some key points for when it is time to promote your gym.

1. Think about what your target audience is looking for

If you want to attract customers you first have to offer them something that will interest them. This means making an effort to think like them, to get to know them and to try to anticipate their needs. So, the first thing to do is to define a target (who you are going to address, what ages, what likes and interests they have, etc.). Then get a sense of what they might be looking for in a box and offer it to them.

 2. Cost-effective promotion

Before you advertise, have a budget. To see how much you can spend and what return or profit you expect to get. And try not to go over that number, and try to get it just to that amount. This really makes it possible for you to achieve growth for your box.


Some ideas to promote your gym and box

Now, let’s move on to the tips that will serve as an example of promotions to use in your box.

 1. Go digital

Promoting your gym is not only about direct advertising. It can also be working to provide strong communication from one source. And that source has to be digital. Social media, a good website and SEO positioning that keeps you in the top results are essential requirements. You can advertise your business passively or organically. In other words, you are not going to invade your audience’s space. You are going to wait for them to come to you.

What is so good about this strategy? It tends to work very well. The only downside is that it requires time and investment. For example, the images of your gym on Google or online need to be of high quality. This will attract more customers. The content on social media must be good as well, with a clear purpose, and with a series of key messages that are repeated over time.

The advantage of content, on the other hand, is that if you do something of quality, it can have a huge reach. It is in your interest to try it out to see if it works.

 2. A discount for new gym members

Do you offer a highly personalised service or do you have a generic gym that competes on price? In the latter case, one thing that always works is to offer discounts for new members. Offers can be very juicy for customers. Let’s take a look at them.

If you have great facilities and a good loyalty system, you can offer very competitive prices. This means you have room to lower the price a lot in this offer for new customers. If you manage to retain them, you will hardly notice any loss.

This does not require direct investment, and can be combined with another very useful strategy: word of mouth. Simply let your existing members know that if they bring a friend, they can both receive some sort of discount or benefit. Word of mouth has the advantage that it is always much more reliable. People trust their friends. You are therefore able to attract a much greater number of customers.

 3. The power of offline advertising for gyms

Nowadays, we are very aware of the idea that all marketing has to be digital. However, there are many old advertising techniques that can still work today. Offline still has a powerful ability to attract audiences, especially older audiences. And this can be a very cost-effective strategy.

What can you do? Flyer printing is a basic pillar. Take care of handing them out in the mailboxes in the vicinity of the neighbourhood where your gym is located. There are always people who, for convenience and proximity, will choose your facilities.

On the other hand, an advertorial in the local newspaper can always be a good covering letter. Everyone in a city follows this type of press. Having a presence in the local press can help you to make your business known. Use it to explain what you offer and why it is so interesting.

Ultimately, promoting your gym is essential. Working it properly will require planning and creativity. Take these tips or ideas as a basis from which to build your own campaign. In this way, you will achieve something unique and original. Have you already started?

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