We all know that the fitness sector is one of the most seasonal sectors, with September and January being the months with the highest number of registrations. But only some of us take advantage of this and improve the profitability of our centre. Do you want to know how to do it? We give you our 5 top tips to make the most of seasonality in your gym.
1- Know the seasonality of your gym
First of all, knowing the seasonality of your box is fundamental to start developing these strategies. While it is true that in most centres, September and January are the most likely months to attract new customers, you may find that there is another time period that you can make the most of. Let us give you a tip: having a management software that collects these statistics will be essential to be able to extract the data and start with the strategies. To do this, you must go a step further, and collect data that is key to designing strategies:
- Percentage of users signing up in these months.
- Most subscriptions purchased by these new users.
- Answers to the question: How did you hear about us?
- Most attended activities.
- Coachst most in demand.
2- Reinforce the offer of complementary activities and services in your gym
In these months, not only will you receive more registrations, but also the number of users in your box will be higher. Therefore, a key action is to increase the range of activities on offer. With this, new users will be able to try out your classes without taking away space from users who were already with you. In the same way, analysing and knowing which activities or coaches are most in demand will be the basis for creating a recruitment strategy. Another good strategy that you can carry out during these months is to include different complementary services such as personal trainers, physiotherapists, nutritionists, sports coaches… This will make your sports centre stand out from the rest by offering a better user experience, as well as attracting the attention of new users.
3- Motivate and reinforce the staff of your gym
During these months there may be times of the day when the high influx of users in the centre generates some stress for your employees as they do not get to everything. Motivating them and preparing them for the increased workload during the seasonal months in your box will be essential. Another idea that can simplify the daily management of your centre is to have a management system. With it you can automate tasks such as the management of registrations and deregistrations or the registration for activities or online payments. In this way you will not only reduce the workload of your employees, but also your users will have a better experience in your gym and will not only want to come back, but will also recommend it.
4- Create offers and promotions during the most seasonal months in your gym
As these months are the best months for attracting new customers, creating targeted offers and promotions for your potential customers can be key to standing out from the crowd. Both in September and January it is common for sports centres to have offers, so you should go further and look for new ways to attract attention and offer added value to these potential new users.
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5- Create advertising campaigns to advertise your gym
Advertising is undoubtedly one of the best tools to make your box known. With several advertising campaigns, you can reach many potential new users while strengthening the brand image of the centre. During the seasonal months, you can create a specific campaign and let everyone know about the promotions and services available at your gym in summer or after Christmas. The advantage of using digital media when creating advertising campaigns is that the investment required is much smaller, so you don’t need a large investment to reach people. Moreover, in both Google Ads and Facebook ads, you can define the audience to show the ad, so you will be able to focus on your potential customers. *If you want to know more about advertising on social networks, take a look at this article: Facebook Ads, attract new users for your gym.
Extra tip – Use email marketing to make the most of your gym’s seasonality
Email marketing is a very underrated tool. By analysing your database, you can create different lists depending on the type of customers they are or the type of content you want to send them. This tool gives you a lot of possibilities when it comes to talking to your users and connecting with them. Through it you can:
- Introduce your team to users to get to know them a little better.
- Tell them news and useful information such as articles or interviews related to the world of sport.
- Share personalised routines or tips.
- Offer them discounts and exclusive promotions.
Thanks to this you will create a community among your users and make them feel part of the centre, increasing their loyalty. You can also use email marketing to target users who unsubscribed during the year, as they are likely to be looking for a box again during these months.
As you can see, there are many ways to take advantage of seasonality, but all of them involve designing strategies and a customer acquisition plan. They don’t have to be complicated, sometimes the simplest actions and without much investment are the ones that work best if you put passion and dedication into them. If you decide to implement any of our recommendations, let us know how it has worked for you 😉.