5 key steps to announce the opening of a gym

Aug 21, 2023 | Gym marketing

Opening a gym is an exciting step that requires careful planning to make sure you attract new customers and generate interest. In this article we tell you the 5 key steps to announce the opening of your gym and make sure it’s a success from day one. Let’s take a look at them!

5 key steps to announce the opening of a gym


1. Identify your gym’s target audience

Identifying your target audience is the first and most important step in announcing the opening of your gym. Understanding who you are targeting is critical to tailoring your marketing and communication strategies to be truly effective. Ask yourself: What type of users are you looking to attract? What characteristics and needs do they have in common? What type of training are they looking for? What services do they value most?

For example, if your gym focuses on performance training for athletes, your target audience may be athletes from different sports who are looking to improve their performance and achieve their sporting goals. In this case, your marketing strategy will focus on highlighting specialised facilities and equipment that offer state-of-the-art training and showcasing testimonials from successful athletes who have trained at your gym.


2. Choose the broadcasting channels that interest you most

Once you are clear about your gym’s target audience, it is time to choose the promotional channels that will allow you to reach your potential users. Different channels work better for different audiences, so it is important to tailor your strategies to your objectives.

Depending on the objective, you should different channels. For example:

  • Generate curiosity: Social media to showcase the gym before opening.
  • Engaging the community: Open day with free training sessions.
  • Broad reach: Collaborate with local influencers on Instagram.
  • Local impact: Advertisements in community newspapers and local radio.
  • Reach potential users: Use email marketing to offer exclusive incentives.
  • Complementary networks: Collaborate with local health food shops.


3. Use social media to generate excitement

Social media is a powerful tool to generate curiosity around the opening of your gym. Take advantage of platforms like Instagram or TikTok to share relevant and engaging content that raises awareness of your gym.

Here are some content ideas:

  • Publish previews of the facilities, before and after…
  • Introduce the coaches
  • Give a brief outline of the type of classes you offer.
  • Take a tour to give them a sneak preview of the most interesting areas of the gym.
  • Create a countdown on your social media to generate expectation among your followers.
  • Give away a free month (for example) to encourage people to follow your page, actively participate and recommend it to their friends.

*Discover how to build and strengthen your gym’s community on Instagram: 4 strategies to build your gym’s community on Instagram.

4. Take advantage of the power of word of mouth

Word of mouth remains one of the most powerful forms of promotion. To take advantage of it, engage your friends, family and employees to share the news of your gym opening with their contacts.

How can you enhance this strategy?

  • Referral programme: offer incentives to those who recommend your gym to friends and family. For example, you can offer discounted membership or special gifts for those who refer new clients.
  • Customer experience: make sure that users have a complete experience at the gym from day one. Be friendly and attentive, and make sure everyone feels welcome and supported in their fitness goals. Satisfied users will be more likely to share their positive experiences with others.


5. Organise an opening event

A well-organised opening event has a significant impact on the community and generate massive interest in your gym.

For example, you can have sample sessions of popular classes such as yoga, functional training or dance. Organise talks or workshops on nutrition and wellness to complement your service offering. You can also have a registration desk where visitors can sign up for more information and special offers.

A well-planned opening event can make a big impact and attract the attention of new users. Some examples of actions you can organise for that day are:

  • Open day: Organise an ‘open day’ event where interested parties can visit the gym free of charge. Offer tours, training sessions, class demonstrations and opportunities to meet the staff.
  • Local partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses, such as health food shops, sportswear shops or spas, to offer cross-discounts to their customers, which can attract more people to your gym.
  • Talks and workshops: Plan short talks on health, nutrition and fitness, as well as practical workshops for attendees to gain valuable information.

Once you have taken these 5 steps, you are ready to announce the opening of your gym in an impactful way and attract your first customers. Remember that tailoring your marketing strategies to the needs and preferences of your target audience is essential for success – good luck!


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