Opening a Gym: Expectations vs Reality

Aug 26, 2024 | Gym management

Opening a gym can be a dream for crossfitters. You can train daily, be with like-minded people, and share workouts and moments together. Exercising and being around others who love the sport is exciting, but managing a gym is a different story.

Instead of spending most of your time in the box training, you will find yourself managing various aspects of the business. Opening a gym involves more than just coaching. You will also need to handle finances, hire staff, plan marketing, and oversee daily operations. Running a gym means managing a business that must work well and grow successfully.

Is opening a gym difficult?

Opening a gym can be challenging, and several factors make starting this type of business difficult. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Financial Investment. This is undoubtedly the most problematic factor. Opening a gym involves initial costs such as renting or purchasing the space, buying equipment, and covering initial expenses. These costs make starting up not as easy as it seems.
  2.  Business Planning. Opening a gym is not as simple as just opening the doors and expecting people to come. To attract investors, you need a detailed Business Plan.This plan should include researching the market, analyzing your target audience, financial projections, and marketing strategies. This process may take longer than you think. (Resawod offers a helpful guide for creating a Business Plan, which you can download from the provided link.)
  3.  Competition. The fitness industry is highly competitive. Standing out among other boxes and attracting clients can be difficult. Developing a unique value proposition and marketing strategies that help attract and retain members is essential.
  4.  Legal and Regulatory Requirements. When you decide to open a box, the initial legal and regulatory requirements can complicate the process. You will need to obtain the necessary licenses, ensure compliance with local regulations, and legally establish the business. These regulations vary depending on your location, so it is crucial to research and prepare adequately.
  5.  Gym Management. When opening a gym, you will also need to manage all daily operations, including staff, scheduling, memberships, and pricing.

Using software can make tasks easier. However, you need to understand certain aspects from the beginning. This will help simplify the process.


How much it cost to start up a gym?

The cost of opening a gym can vary widely. Depending on the size, location, and type of gym you want to open, the costs can differ significantly. The general expenses you need to consider are:

  1. Location. One of the biggest expenses is securing a suitable location for your gym. Renting or buying a space where you can set up a box can be costly.
  2. Renovation Costs. After getting the space, you must renovate it to make it a gym and follow local rules. This might include constructing locker rooms, installing flooring, and creating different areas or rooms. The cost of these renovations can range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand.
  3. Equipment Purchase: Equipping your gym with the necessary equipment is a major expense. The cost will depend on the type and amount of equipment you acquire. Investing in high-quality, durable equipment is essential to provide a good experience for your members.

In summary, opening a gym can require a significant financial investment. On average, you might expect to spend between £50,000 and £500,000 or more, depending on the size of your gym. Detailed planning and budgeting are crucial to ensure you have the resources needed to cover these costs.


Expectations vs reality of open a box

Passion vs. Administrative Work and Cleaning

Expectation. Opening a gym is all about living your passion for fitness. You imagine leading classes, training with members, and sharing your love for this discipline.

Reality. you will spend a lot of time on administrative tasks and cleaning, even though your passion will drive you. Running a gym includes managing payments, memberships, and maintaining cleanliness and organization. These tasks are crucial and extend beyond just training.

Flexibility and Freedom vs. Long Working Hours

Expectation. Imagine being able to make your own schedule and have a good balance between work and personal life while being in charge.

Reality: The reality of opening a gym involves long working hours. Running the gym involves long hours, especially until you can assign tasks to others.

Financial Gains vs. High Initial Costs and Gradual Recovery

Expectation: When you open a gym, you expect to make a lot of money and have a lot of members soon after opening.

Reality: The initial costs of opening a gym can be quite high. Financial recovery from the investment can take a long time. Not seeing immediate returns is normal.

More Training Time vs. More Coaching Hours

Expectation: Opening a gym means spending time training, improving records, and leading classes. This is what you expect when starting a gym.

Reality: Running a gym means you will spend more time managing and coaching others than focusing on your own training.

Constant Business Growth vs. Planning and Risks

Expectation. You expect continuous growth for your gym, with a steadily increasing client base and rising income.

Reality. To help your gym grow steadily, you must plan carefully. You also need to effectively manage any fluctuations. Competing well with other gyms in the area is important. Lastly, you may have to make difficult decisions that are necessary for growth.

Creating a Positive Space vs. Receiving Negative Feedback

Expectation. You want to create a positive and motivating environment where members feel inspired.

Reality. Creating a positive atmosphere is important, but you will also face criticism often. Knowing how to handle it professionally and constructively is part of effectively managing your gym.


Opening a gym is an exciting journey, but it also requires facing challenges. While your passion for fitness may be the driving force, the reality involves much more than just training. You will encounter administrative tasks, long working hours, and significant initial costs.

By preparing for these realities, you can better balance your expectations and manage daily demands effectively. Tools like management software can simplify operations, allowing you to focus on your passion and build a successful business. By planning well and being realistic, you can make your dream of opening a gym a successful business.

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