What gym members seek when joining your gym

Jan 29, 2024 | Gym management

In the world of sports, choosing the right gym is more than just a simple decision. It’s an investment in well-being. What gym members seek when joining your gym? In this article, we will explore the 8 most important factors. Let’s take a look!

What gym members seek when joining your gym?

1.    Clean and accessible facilities

Facilities are crucial for members to have a positive experience at the gym. Cleanliness is not just a hygiene standard; it reflects the gym’s commitment to the well-being and experience of its members. Additionally, having accessible facilities, such as free parking at the gym, contributes to a complete experience.

Resawod’s advice: implement a cleaning schedule, visibly display hygiene protocols, and regularly check and maintain accessibility features.

2.     Variety of equipment

In a gym, equipment is crucial. Having a variety of equipment allows members to customize their workouts and makes them feel comfortable coming to train. Additionally, consider including advanced equipment such as virtual reality machines and smart fitness trackers to enhance your users’ experience.

Another very important thing you should do periodically is to review that all machines and other equipment are in perfect condition. Many people pass through your gym every day, so several times a day, you should take a walk around and make sure that all the equipment is organized and in its place.

Resawod’s advice: conduct surveys with members to gather their opinions and customize classes, equipment, or promotions based on their feedback.

3.    Qualified and friendly staff

The role of staff in a gym goes beyond providing towels and supervision. Users seek qualified, experienced, and friendly staff who can assist them when needed.

Good trainers who assist with technique and offer personalized plans create a positive atmosphere in the gym. Establishing a connection between staff and members contributes to a sense of community, enhancing the overall experience they have at the gym.

Resawod’s advice: Train your staff to know how to interact with users, assist them, and make them feel valued. This will create a sense of belonging, a key factor for user retention.

4.     Group classes

Group classes have become a cornerstone for many gyms, fostering a sense of community and motivation. Offer different types of classes to attract users seeking a fun and varied workout routine.

Adding themed classes or bringing in guest instructors for special sessions is important to add a unique touch. Additionally, you can design a plan and regularly rotate class schedules to introduce variety and keep users engaged.

Resawod’s advice: regularly introduce new classes and ask for feedback from attendees. This way, you will get to know your users better and understand how to meet their needs. We leave you an article that will help you with this: Key Fitness Trends for a Gym in 2024.

 5.    Flexible hours

Each user is unique, and your gym should cater to all. Users seek gyms with flexible schedules to ensure they can attend at any time. For example, consider extending opening hours, especially during peak periods, and contemplate expanding the schedule for your users’ favorite class to make it easier for everyone to attend.

Moreover, if you analyze the behaviors of your users, you can identify peak hours and adjust staff accordingly to ensure a seamless experience.

Resawod’s advice: use gym management software for online reservations and access control to enhance the user experience at your gym. Want to learn more about us? Book a free demo!

 6.    Nutritional guidance

Users are no longer just looking for a place to work out; they seek a complete experience. Differentiate yourself from the competition by offering the added value of nutritional guidance to complement their training routines. Provide sessions with nutritionists or deliver practical resources and tips through the app or email.

Resawod’s advice: collaborate with local nutrition experts for seminars or Q&A sessions, so that users receive advice from professionals in a straightforward and approachable manner.

 7.     Membership pricing

Having competitive prices and motivating your users with attractive incentives can make a difference.

Consider loyalty programs, rewards for bringing in new users, or subscription tiers that offer additional services. Clearly communicate the value of different subscription levels, ensuring transparency in your pricing structure.

Create a system for users to provide feedback on their experience and make progressive changes until you find the perfect formula.

 8.     Community

Gyms are evolving beyond being just workout spaces; they are becoming communities. Users seek an environment where they feel like family.

Foster a sense of belonging by organizing not only events but also social gatherings among users. Encourage users to share their stories on your social media platforms, creating a supportive atmosphere that extends beyond the gym.

Resawod’s advice: use social media to foster a community around your gym, encouraging users to connect and feel supported. Unsure how to do it? Check out this article: 5 Social Media Ideas for Your Gym.

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